PA. Technologies provides and implements numerous technical solutions to meet the severe requirements of the chemical industry.
For the operation in a temperature below 200°C, PA. Technologies can propose diverse types of solutions depending on corrosive attacks: Epoxy resins, Vinylester i.e. For higher temperatures, our partner 3L&T has developed solutions specifically adapted to chemical attacks caused by acid fuel gas condensates. Gases loaded with chlorine, sulfur or other condensate elements on cold points of installations create extremely corrosive acids. That is whe we are involved in the treatment of numerous attacked areas: furnace shells, ducts, bag filters, electrostatic precipitators or chimneys. Our High Emissivity Ceramic Coating (RECHE) incorporating a proprietary blend of ceramic and metallic additives, is specially designed to provide protection against erosion and corrosion, while improving heat transfer and thermal efficiency. The green coloring of the coating makes it possible to very quickly identify which areas are still protected and which should be particularly monitored. Technologies identifies areas subject to high abrasion before tubes break through, and defines an appropriate maintenance plan. Finally, our team works also on producing complex composites against significant corrosive attacks, making it possible to treat various retention tanks using these solutions.
Les 30 ans d’expérience en secteur cimentier et protection des équipements a permis à notre Bureau d’Etudes de développer une large gamme d’équipements : Clapets sous cyclone, Volet d’air tertiaire, Vannes hautes températures, NoseRing, Releveurs, SplashBox, Buses d’air choc, etc.
Civil Engineering
The trust of our customers has led us to expand and develop our qualifications in rehabilitation of aging infrastructures subject to numerous environmental stresses such as : acid attacks, shocks, corrosion, etc. For several years, PA. Technologies has intevened structurally on damaged structures. Primarly, we cooperate with our clients and specialised design offices aiming to find the best repair solutions for degraded areas. What’s more, we are able to offer many surface treatments e.g in the form of anti-corrosion resin.
PA. Technologies offers the graphite solutions from its partner GRAPHITE COVA, highly specialising in a field of graphite or carbon and graphite materials since 1880. We can propose the solutions adapted to different sectors i.e: glass, aluminum, foundry, powder technologies, etc.; and in the form of bearings, porous carbon, inserts, tubes, coils, logs.