Historically, the cement industry is the preference sector of PA Technologies. Strong of its long experience in the cement industry, the compnay has developed technologies and specific équipements dedicated to this sector, some of which were the subject of patents. PA Technologies has a large field of action in the cement industry , as we are able to propose either wear protection, anti corrosion, , anti-coating, refractory solutions, but also Engineering services.
Wear Protection
PA Technologies is refering to your process conditions, in order to define the appropriate material for an adequate application. As far as wear is concerned, the DENSIT concrete range shows its skills for more than 30 years in the wear protection lining of separators, cyclones, grinding mills, conveyer belts, or all other ducts. We can also operate with Densit lined bends and pipes within the framework of pneumatic transport. We are also able to offer ceramic- based solutions for specific applications and process, where wear is important.
Corrosion Protection
The use of alternative fuels entails corrosion problems in the cement équipements. Thus, the gas full of sulphur particles, chlorine or all other chemical éléments condense when they are in contact of colder surfaces, creating sulphuric or chlorydric acids.
Working condition and alternative fuels put a strain on refractory linings. PA. Technologies takes these stresses into account in order to offer suitable lining to process. The quality of the HASLE product range satisfies these severe conditions, due to its low open porosity. We adapt the technical solution to the constraints: concrete to be gunned, poured, prefabricated parts in the workshop.
30 years of experience in the cement sector and equipment protection has enabled our Design Office to develop a wide range of equipment: Cyclone flaps valves, Tertiary air damper, High temperature valves, Nose Ring, Lifters, Splash Box, Shock air nozzles, …
Civil Engineering
The trust of our customers has led us to expand and develop our qualifications in rehabilitation of aging infrastructures subject to numerous environmental stresses such as : acid attacks, shocks, corrosion, etc. For several years, PA. Technologies has intevened structurally on damaged structures. Primarly, we cooperate with our clients and specialised design offices aiming to find the best repair solutions for degraded areas. What’s more, we are able to offer many surface treatments e.g in the form of anti-corrosion resin.
PA. Technologies distributes and implements various solutions against builds up in facilities. Solutions that can be preventive: application of materials with very low friction coefficients improving the sliding of raw mill, or materials with low open porosity, through very high-pressure unclogging systems: Cardox technology by our partner ATD Cardox using CO2 at 2400 bar